Clinical Center News
July / August 2024
NIH hosts 8th annual Veterans Day celebration in Building 10
Ingrid Harris, Clinical Center branch manager, NIH Office of Human Resources (OHR); Mitzi Kosciulek, Corporate Recruitment Unit branch chief, NIH OHR; and Richard Appling...
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NIH Office of Clinical Research 2019-2020 courses now open for registration
The 2019-2020 Principles of Clinical Pharmacology Course and the 2019-2020 Introduction to the Principles and Practice of Clinical Research Course is now open for registration through July 2020.
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Holiday spirit in the hospital
Gingerbread houses, Santa and festive decorations delight patients and staff.
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NIH welcomes Acting Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services Eric Hargan
Dr. James Gilman, the chief executive officer of the NIH Clinical Center, describes the layout of the hospital...
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Deep brain stimulation allows flutist to play again
Many patients look for ways to "give back" to NIH for providing hope, but for Julianna Nickel, she is sharing the very thing that NIH returned to her — the ability to play the flute.
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Clinical trials for Fanconi anemia, CLL or SLL, multiple myeloma and healthy volunteers recruiting at the NIH Clinical Center
For more information on trials, or to learn about other available opportunities to participate in research studies...
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NIH National Eye Institute turns 50
Congress created the NIH National Eye Institute (NEI) in 1968, making vison a top health priority.
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January town hall honor recognizes staff for federal service, reviews results of Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey
In his first town hall meeting of 2018, Dr. Jim Gilman, Clinical Center CEO, recognized 70 staff members with length of service awards to honor the time that they have spent working...
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Let's move with heart: NIH staff celebrate American Heart Month in February
NIH staff and volunteers filled the Clinical Center atrium Feb. 2 – known as Wear Red Day – to celebrate American Heart Month. Coordinated by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI)...
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Alex Azar, secretary of U.S. Health and Human Services, makes first official visit to NIH in March
On March 20, escorted by NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar met with Clinical Center patient Dr. Patrick Coughlin...
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A great workplace begins with the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey
On May 7, the U.S. Office of Personnel Management launched the annual Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS) for eligible government employees...
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Adams makes first NIH visit as 20th U.S. Surgeon General
During his first official visit to NIH, Dr. Jerome M. Adams, 20th United States Surgeon General, met with the NIH directors and toured the Clinical Center...
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